Being a Dad

Wow! Being a Father is one of the most amazing feelings in the entire world!

There is a sense of tremendous love and of awe at how you actually got to be a part of creating such an amazing thing! But then there is the sense of tremendous responsibility for taking care of and raising this child to serve God all his days! I love all of it!

I had always heard about the love between parent and child but I never really knew it was possible to love a child you barely know so much!

Fatherhood is amazing when you have an amazing relationship with your wife! My Jennifer Rocks!

The picture is of me holding Caleb as I was writing this blog.

1 Comment »

  1. jennifertobler Said:

    i’m glad you are settling in so well, sean. you are going to be an awesome dad. correction- you are an awesome dad! i’m really glad that my daughter will be friends with your son, so they can both truly see what Godly friendship is all about!

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