
   So around the church these days there is somewhat of a “bug” or something going around. The term most often used is, “There must be something in the water!” What am I talking about? What “bug” is going around? Well it is what you call…


   There is approximately 10 – 12 women at our church who are pregnant right now. Who knows who might also be pregnant, but just doesn’t know it yet! If you are married and young, everyone is asking, “Have you been drinking the water?”, or “When are you going to be expecting?”, or my personal favorite, “Is it not your turn to be next?” They ask this as if there is some order of who should get pregnant first versus another person!

   Many times Jennifer and I have been asked these questions! Up until this point our answer has always been “No!” or “We don’t plan on having children for at least 2 – 3 Years!” We honestly were hoping to spend a couple of years to just enjoy being married! We haven’t even been married for 6 months yet! “Why the rush?” is what I think!

   But as of Tuesday February 19th, 2008, we found out that we will be joining the Pregnancy craze at church after all! Now I may have made it sound like I am not excited! When in actuality, that is the furthest thing from the truth! I am more excited than I have probably ever been in my life! Jennifer and I are going to have a Baby! I am going to be a Daddy!!!! 

1 Comment »

  1. is there a vaccine for this ‘bug’? i surely don’t want to catch it.

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