Archive for Monopoly

Guys Night!

   Last night I did something that I had no clue would be so beneficial to my soul. Something that I was longing for and fulfilled a missing connection in my life. It was something that I had let slip in my life for a long time. During all of this year as I began a beautiful new relationship with Jennifer Asher (now my wife: Jennifer Spinks) and then planning a wedding I had found myself spending all my time outside of work and church with Jennifer and honestly, that is all I really wanted. At least that is what I thought. I found myself devoid of a very valuable thing; fellowship with other Brothers in Christ!

    So what happened last night? I decided to host a “Guys Night” at my place. My wife had gone to a “Girl’s Night” (Jewelry Party) and so I thought, “Why not have a guys night?” This was an absolutely amazing idea! A group of my friends (Paul Boyd, Jamie Tobler, Justin Harris, Eric Miller, & Matt Beaman) and myself spent the evening talking and just having some good  ol’ fun! Everybody brought some good “Man Food” (junk food) and we played card games. What started with “Go Fish!” using Poker Cards ended up in an amazing night of “Texas Hold’em!” Right now you might be questioning our moral and ethical values. If so, just know that we only played using “Monopoly Money”.

   Here is where I have to give a shout out to two people! First, Eric you rock! I can’t believe you beat me by $500! Secondly, thanks Jamie for bringing all the eyeballs, fingers, toes, lips, and ears (Chocolate Halloween Candy)!

   What was supposed to be a night ending around 10pm lasted until after midnight! We were all having such an amazing time just goofing off! In fact, when the Girl’s Jewelry Party was over (about 9:30pm) a bunch of them (Jennifer Spinks, Sebrina Ellison, Jenn Tobler, Angela Ellison, Kelsie Newby, and Dawn Boyd) all decided to come over to my place and join the party! It was just an amazing time!

   What I think was the greatest thing about the night was that we spent time in fellowship! Fellowship is something that is necessary in our lives but all too easy to let slip right out! How many times do we get so wrapped up in our little worlds and all we have to do that we do not take the time to cultivate the relationships that will be beneficial to both our spiritual and soulish lives? I know I was guilty of this! Maybe you have been too!

   I think we should make a decision to not let our other relationships fall to the wayside. Take time to cultivate them! Then we will find that missing connection fulfilled in our lives!