Walking to Church

   So I was left without a vehicle this weekend. My wife went to Virginia to visit some friends but left me here at home with no vehicle. I am not complaining, I am just stating the facts that were influential to this blog.

   Today, I walked the 2.5 miles from my house to Church. I know it is not a really far distance, but I always drive whenever I go to church. This walking made me think about some things.

   First, I am very grateful that I even own a car. The automobile is something that we as wealthy  Americans (yes even the “poor” among us are quite wealthy) take for granted. We rarely stop to think that there are millions of people in other countries that have to walk or ride a bike to get to any place they need to go.

   Secondly, I realized that there are probably a whole bunch of people that would love to come to our Church but have no method of getting here unless they were willing to walk for a couple of hours.

   Thirdly, although we are down to one vehicle and that can be annoying at times to figure out schedules and such, I think we have generally made it through pretty well. God has really made it easier to deal with. For instance, it could be very difficult if we worked at two separate ends of town, but instead we actually work across the street from each other. Also, most days it works out for us because of schedules. Plus, I end up getting to spend more time with my Beautful wife!!!

   So I think I learned a few lessons from walking to church today…

Leadership Updates

   I love Leadership Updates at my Church! First of all, it is just amazing to be in leadership at LWFC! What an amazing oppurtunity to help fascilitate change in the lives of people. There are not very many places where someone my age is trusted and developed as a leader like this church! This church really believes in equipping the next generation.

   At this particular Leadership Update, the Executive Team unveiled to the Leaders our new building upgrade campaign! It is going to be so amazing!!!! I’ll post some more info later about this.

The Story

   So how did we find out this amazing but shocking news? Well here is the story:

   It all began on a dark, dreary night… Just kidding! Actually, we don’t know exactly when Jennifer conceived but we do know it was probably about 5 1/2 weeks ago. It is interesting how we ended up knowing! As I mentioned before in my previous blog, there are many people around the Church who are getting pregnant or already are pregnant. So there are alot of people asking us if we are pregnant or not.

   Jennifer had been taking the Birth Control Pill but we had found that it was making her very erratic. For this reason and a few others, we began praying in the beginning of January if she should be taking it anymore. We came to a conclusion that God did not want us taking it anymore. Therefore we were going to trust God that He knew what our desires were, but if we ended up getting pregnant before we wanted to that it would be God’s will.

   Well for the last couple of weeks Jennifer had been having a lot of different symptoms. These symptoms are not exclusive to pregnancy but she had been experiencing very light nauseousness and light cramping not during her regular period time. Then the last straw was the fact that she missed her period during the week of February 11th – 15th. Actually something very interesting happened to me on Valentine’s Day.

   As I was looking at Jennifer at one point that day, something on the inside of me said, “She’s Pregnant!” I didn’t know exactly what to say about this, so I held it in on the inside for a couple of days. But finally, on Monday February 18th, I just had to tell her what I had been thinking! So when I told her, she decided that we needed to buy a pregnancy test.

   Tuesday morning (February 19th), as we were getting ready for work, Jennifer took the test. When we looked at the results it looked very affirmatively negative. When I talked to her about the results, she said, “There must be something wrong with me! I need to see a doctor…” About ten minutes later, as I was doing some stuff around the sink, I noticed the pregnancy test out of the corner of my eye. This time it was…


   I was in complete shock as I quickly showed it to Jennifer! We immediately set a Doctor’s Appointment at 3pm that day to confirm the diagnosis. We both were in shock! It was all I could really think about all day until we finally went to the appointment. When we got there they had her take a urine test. While we were waiting on the results the doctor started asking us a lot of very nosey questions! Of course this was just to find out more information. Then she left the room to check on the results. When she came back in she told us that so far it looked negative but she would recheck it in a few minutes. She told us that Home Pregnancy tests are very accurate so maybe it was just taking more time to read the results. If it still came back negative, then they would do a blood test to be more certain. Then she left the room to recheck on the results.

   When she came back into the room, she did so saying, “Congratulations!!! You are going to be a Mommy and a Daddy!” We were just in complete shock! We were shocked and excited at the same time! We then drove home. All I could think about the whole way home was that I am going to be a Daddy!!!

   Although, we wanted to wait a few years before becoming parents, I have decided that this must be in God’s timing! So I am truly excited and nervous about being a Father!


   So around the church these days there is somewhat of a “bug” or something going around. The term most often used is, “There must be something in the water!” What am I talking about? What “bug” is going around? Well it is what you call…


   There is approximately 10 – 12 women at our church who are pregnant right now. Who knows who might also be pregnant, but just doesn’t know it yet! If you are married and young, everyone is asking, “Have you been drinking the water?”, or “When are you going to be expecting?”, or my personal favorite, “Is it not your turn to be next?” They ask this as if there is some order of who should get pregnant first versus another person!

   Many times Jennifer and I have been asked these questions! Up until this point our answer has always been “No!” or “We don’t plan on having children for at least 2 – 3 Years!” We honestly were hoping to spend a couple of years to just enjoy being married! We haven’t even been married for 6 months yet! “Why the rush?” is what I think!

   But as of Tuesday February 19th, 2008, we found out that we will be joining the Pregnancy craze at church after all! Now I may have made it sound like I am not excited! When in actuality, that is the furthest thing from the truth! I am more excited than I have probably ever been in my life! Jennifer and I are going to have a Baby! I am going to be a Daddy!!!! 

Guys Night!

   Last night I did something that I had no clue would be so beneficial to my soul. Something that I was longing for and fulfilled a missing connection in my life. It was something that I had let slip in my life for a long time. During all of this year as I began a beautiful new relationship with Jennifer Asher (now my wife: Jennifer Spinks) and then planning a wedding I had found myself spending all my time outside of work and church with Jennifer and honestly, that is all I really wanted. At least that is what I thought. I found myself devoid of a very valuable thing; fellowship with other Brothers in Christ!

    So what happened last night? I decided to host a “Guys Night” at my place. My wife had gone to a “Girl’s Night” (Jewelry Party) and so I thought, “Why not have a guys night?” This was an absolutely amazing idea! A group of my friends (Paul Boyd, Jamie Tobler, Justin Harris, Eric Miller, & Matt Beaman) and myself spent the evening talking and just having some good  ol’ fun! Everybody brought some good “Man Food” (junk food) and we played card games. What started with “Go Fish!” using Poker Cards ended up in an amazing night of “Texas Hold’em!” Right now you might be questioning our moral and ethical values. If so, just know that we only played using “Monopoly Money”.

   Here is where I have to give a shout out to two people! First, Eric you rock! I can’t believe you beat me by $500! Secondly, thanks Jamie for bringing all the eyeballs, fingers, toes, lips, and ears (Chocolate Halloween Candy)!

   What was supposed to be a night ending around 10pm lasted until after midnight! We were all having such an amazing time just goofing off! In fact, when the Girl’s Jewelry Party was over (about 9:30pm) a bunch of them (Jennifer Spinks, Sebrina Ellison, Jenn Tobler, Angela Ellison, Kelsie Newby, and Dawn Boyd) all decided to come over to my place and join the party! It was just an amazing time!

   What I think was the greatest thing about the night was that we spent time in fellowship! Fellowship is something that is necessary in our lives but all too easy to let slip right out! How many times do we get so wrapped up in our little worlds and all we have to do that we do not take the time to cultivate the relationships that will be beneficial to both our spiritual and soulish lives? I know I was guilty of this! Maybe you have been too!

   I think we should make a decision to not let our other relationships fall to the wayside. Take time to cultivate them! Then we will find that missing connection fulfilled in our lives!

Hello world!

So I finally decided to join the world of blogging. Even though I am familiar and use Myspace and Facebook. I think having a page that is just completely a blog is very cool! So here I am! I will be updating this from time to time with info about me, what God is showing me, and etc.

Who Will You Be Today!

Our world is plagued with everything from Identity Crisis all the way to Identity Theft! The sad thing is that the same is happening to us in the Body of Christ! The devil has been trying to confuse us on who we really are! He wants us to think that we are merely people who have no power or authority! But the Word of God says that we are God’s kids! If we are His kids then that means we bear the image of God wherever we go. The real question is not who we really are! The real question is who we see ourselves to be! Do we see ourselves as God sees us or how the devil wants us to see ourselves! If I am a wealthy man but do not see myself as such, I will not live like a wealthy man. Likewise, if I am a son of God (with all the authority and power that comes with sonship) but do not see myself as such, then I will not live like a son of God! So the real question is: “Who will you be Today!”

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